Create Perfect Canvas Art Instantly!

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AI-Powered Home Art Design

Transform Your Space Instantly

Personalized Art

Upload a photo of your space, and our AI will analyze it to suggest the perfect art styles, colors, and themes.

Augmented Reality

Visualize your custom art in your home before buying. Use our AR feature to see how the art fits your space.

Easy Customization

Adjust the size, style, and placement of your art with simple gestures. Fine-tune your artwork directly within the app to make it truly yours.

Chat with AI and Explore Art

Start your creative journey by chatting with our AI, powered by Gemini. Watch as your ideas come to life in real-time. The 2D view allows you to see your artwork, adjust its size, and experiment with different styles and dimensions to find the perfect fit for your space.

Your Art in AR

Take your art experience to the next level by placing your custom canvas in a 3D space using Augmented Reality. Use simple gestures to move, rotate, and scale the artwork in your real-world environment. See exactly how your art will look and feel in your home, with perfect spatial accuracy.

Phone frame
Phone frame

Dynamic Adjustments on the Fly

Interact with our AI while in AR mode to make live adjustments or generate entirely new artwork based on your preferences. Simply speak your instructions, and watch as the AI updates your canvas in real-time, ensuring your art is perfectly tailored to your space.

Ai can see your living space
Ask for a new image to be created
Adjust the size or aspect ratio with your voice